

What is CuteFlow?

CuteFlow is a webbased open source document circulation and workflow system. Users are able to define « documents » which are send step by step to every station/user in a list.

It’s an electronical way for doing (i.e. internal) document circulations. A document can be assembled from input fields of different types. The fields can be filled with values by the receiver of the document directly in the users E-Mail-Client. After a completed circulation you will have a completely filled document. Also attachments to the document are possible (i.e. for illustration material).

All operations like starting a workflow, tracking, workflow-definition or status observation can be done within a comfortable and easy to use webinterface.

Main Features :

Free and Open Source!

Webbased User Interface

Easy to install, setup and use

Integration of workflow documents in e-mail message

Support for different workflow « mailingslists »

Unlimited amount of sender, fields, slots, receiver…)

Workflows can attach data and files

OS-Independent through the usage of PHP

Flexible user management with substitutes

Requirements :

Webserver with PHP (V.5.0.x or higher)

MySQL Database (support for other databases is planned for future versions)

SMTP E-Mail Server for sending workflow e-mails

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